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  1. (a) The county quorum courts of the several counties shall have the power and authority to establish, maintain, and operate county public libraries or public library services or systems in the manner and with the functions prescribed in this subchapter, and counties may appropriate money for these purposes.

  2. (b) The county quorum court shall also have the power to establish in cooperation with another county or other counties a joint public library or a joint library service or system for the benefit of the cooperating counties.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) Establishment of county libraries or library systems shall be evidenced by an ordinance of the county quorum court or by an agreement between the governing bodies of the several counties participating in a regional library system or coordinating library services under an interlocal agreement.

    2. (2) Appropriations for the establishment and maintenance of a county library or library system shall be in the manner prescribed by law for expenditures by counties.

  4. (d) In addition to county library boards created under this section, § 13-2-402, and § 13-2-404, a county quorum court may by ordinance establish a county library board to conduct the affairs of the county public library or its library services or system in accordance with the law for establishing other county advisory or administrative boards found at § 14-14-705.

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