(a) Whenever such forces or any part thereof shall be ordered out for service of any kind, they shall have all powers, duties, and immunities of peace officers of the State of Arkansas in addition to all powers, duties, and immunities now otherwise provided by law.
(b) No officer or enlisted personnel of such forces shall be arrested on any warrant except for treason or felony while going to, remaining at, or returning from a place where they are ordered to attend for military duty.
(c) Whenever any part of the militia of the state is on active duty pursuant to the order of the Governor in the enforcement of the law or executing the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, the commanding officer of such troops may order the closing of any place where arms, ammunition, dynamite, or other explosives are sold and restrict or forbid the selling, bartering, lending, or giving away of any such articles so long as any of the troops remain on duty in such place, or in the vicinity where such place may be located, whether any civil officer has forbidden the same or not.
(d) The commanding officer of the organization on duty under this code will cooperate in aid of the civil power, but under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief or Adjutant General and not the civil authorities.