Travel outside of the United States

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  1. (a) A sex offender who is required to register under this subchapter must report in person at least twenty-one (21) days before traveling outside of the United States to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction that he or she intends to travel outside of the United States.

  2. (b) The sex offender making the report in person under this section must also report in person to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction:

    1. (1) The dates of travel; and

    2. (2) The foreign country, colony, territory, or possessions that the sex offender will visit.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) A local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction receiving a report under this section shall immediately report the information to the Arkansas Crime Information Center.

    2. (2) Upon receiving information from a local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction under this section, the center shall immediately report the information to the National Sex Offender Public Website and to the United States Marshals Service.

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