Report to Arkansas Crime Information Center — Report to law enforcement agency

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) Within three (3) days after registering or updating the registration file of a sex offender, the Division of Correction, the Division of Community Correction, the Department of Human Services, the sentencing court, or the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall report, by electronic means, all information obtained from the sex offender and regarding the sex offender to the Arkansas Crime Information Center.

    2. (2) The center shall immediately enter the information into its record system for maintenance in a central registry and notify the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction.

    3. (3) The center will share information with the National Sex Offender Public Website.

  2. (b)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) No later than five (5) calendar days after release from incarceration or after the date of sentencing, a sex offender shall report in person to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction and update the information in the registration file.

      2. (B) If the sex offender is not already registered, the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall register the sex offender in accordance with this subchapter.

    2. (2) Within three (3) days after registering a sex offender or receiving updated registry information on a sex offender, the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall report, by electronic means, all information obtained from the sex offender to the center.

    3. (3) The local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall verify the address of a sexually dangerous person on a quarterly basis and the address of all other sex offenders on a semiannual basis.

    4. (4) The center shall have access to the offender tracking systems of the Division of Correction and the Division of Community Correction to confirm the location of registrants.

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