Records of local and regional detention facilities

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) The Arkansas Crime Information Center shall permit and encourage the entry of data by a local or regional detention facility, such as a county jail, into a database maintained by the center and accessible by an entity as determined by the Supervisory Board for the Arkansas Crime Information Center.

    2. (2) Data provided by a regional detention facility shall facilitate analysis of inmate populations in local detention facilities, including, but not limited to:

      1. (A) Local or regional detention facility inmate population, including the number of inmates currently housed over the recognized maximum capacity of the local or regional detention facility; and

      2. (B) The types and number of offenses for which the inmates are being housed in the local or regional detention facility.

  2. (b) The types of data entered into a database under this section may include:

    1. (1) Information concerning the inmates admitted to and released from the local or regional detention facility, including without limitation:

      1. (A) The state identification number of the inmate;

      2. (B) The offenses the inmates committed or were accused of committing; and

      3. (C) The dates the inmates were both taken into custody and released;

    2. (2)

      1. (A) A record of any mental health screening of an inmate administered by a law enforcement agency or healthcare facility.

      2. (B) The results of a mental health screening administered by a law enforcement agency or healthcare facility may be entered into the database as permitted by state or federal law; and

    3. (3) Any other data that that would be of assistance to a law enforcement agency, state agency, legislative committee, academic researcher, or other entity permitted to access the data.

  3. (c) The center shall promulgate rules necessary to implement this section.

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