Means of conveyance in which dead, dying, or diseased fish or parts of fish must be transported.

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§ 555.12 Means of conveyance in which dead, dying, or diseased fish or parts of fish must be transported.

All vehicles and other means of conveyance used by persons subject to § 555.11 for transporting in commerce or importing, any dead, dying, or diseased fish or parts of fish that died otherwise by slaughter must be leak proof and so constructed and equipped as to permit thorough cleaning and sanitizing. The means of conveyance used in conveying the fish or parts of fish must be cleaned and disinfected before being used in the transportation of any product intended for use as human food. The cleaning procedure must include the complete removal from the means of conveyance of any fluid, parts, or product of dead, dying, or diseased fish and the thorough application of a disinfectant approved by the Administrator to the interior surfaces of the cargo space.

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