Identification of restricted eggs.

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§ 57.800 Identification of restricted eggs.

The shipping container of restricted eggs shall be determined to be satisfactorily identified if such container bears the packer's name and address, the quality of the eggs in the container (e.g., dirties, checks, inedibles, or loss), or the statement “Restricted Eggs - For Processing Only In An Official USDA Egg Products Processing Plant,” for checks or dirties, or “Restricted Eggs - Not To Be Used As Human Food,” for inedibles, loss, and incubator rejects, or “Unclassified Eggs - To Be Regraded” for graded eggs which contain more restricted eggs than are allowed in the official standards for U.S. Consumer Grade B shell eggs. The size of the letters of the identification wording shall be as required in § 57.860. When eggs are packed in immediate containers, e.g., cartons, sleeve packs, overwrapped 212- or 3-dozen packs, etc., for sale to household consumers under the exemptions provided for in section 57.100 (c), or (f), they shall be deemed to be satisfactorily identified in accordance with the requirements of this part if such immediate containers bear the packer's name and address and the quality of the eggs. Alternatively, a point of sale sign may be displayed showing the above information.

[63 FR 69968, Dec. 17, 1998, as amended at 69 FR 57168, Sept. 24, 2004]

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