Miscellaneous provisions.

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§ 250.39 Miscellaneous provisions.

(a) Waiver of processing requirements. The Food and Nutrition Service may waive any of the requirements contained in this part for the purpose of conducting demonstration projects to test program changes designed to improve the processing of donated foods.

(b) Processing activity guidance. Distributing agencies must develop and provide a processing manual or similar procedural material for guidance to contracting agencies, recipient agencies, and processors. Distributing agencies must revise these materials as necessary to reflect policy and regulatory changes. This guidance material must be provided to contracting agencies, recipient agencies, and processors at the time of the approval of the initial agreement by the distributing agency, when there have been regulatory or policy changes which necessitate changes in the guidance materials, and upon request. The manual must include, at a minimum, statements of the distributing agency's policies and procedures regarding:

(1) Contract approval;

(2) Monitoring and review of processing activities;

(3) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements;

(4) Inventory controls; and

(5) Refund applications.

(c) Guidance or information. Guidance or information relating to the processing of donated foods is included on the FNS website or may otherwise be obtained from FNS.

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