After I begin travel to a meeting, what should I do if a non-Federal source offers to pay for one or more of my travel expenses without my or my agency's prior knowledge?

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§ 304-3.13 After I begin travel to a meeting, what should I do if a non-Federal source offers to pay for one or more of my travel expenses without my or my agency's prior knowledge?

(a) If your agency has already authorized acceptance of payment for some of your travel expenses for that meeting from a non-Federal source, then you may accept on behalf of your agency, payment for any of your additional travel expenses from the same non-Federal source as long as -

(1) The expenses paid or provided in kind are comparable in value to those offered to or purchased by other similarly situated meeting attendees; and

(2) Your agency did not decline to accept payment for those particular expenses in advance of your travel.

(b) If your agency did not authorize acceptance of any payment from a non-Federal source prior to your travel, then -

(1) You may accept, on behalf of your agency, payment from a non-Federal source as authorized in this section -

(i) Only the types of travel expenses that are authorized by your travel authorization (i.e., meals, lodging, transportation, but not recreation or other personal expenses); and

(ii) Only travel expenses that are within the maximum allowances stated on your travel authorization (e.g., if your travel authorization states that you are authorized to incur lodging expenses up to $100 per night, you may not accept payment from the non-Federal source for a $200 per night hotel room);

(2) You must request your agency's authorization for acceptance from the non-Federal source within 7 working days after your trip ends; and

(3) If your agency does not authorize acceptance from the non-Federal source, your agency must either -

(i) Reimburse the non-Federal source for the reasonable approximation of the market value of the benefit provided, not to exceed the maximum allowance stated on your travel authorization; or

(ii) Require you to reimburse the non-Federal source that amount and allow you to claim that amount on your travel claim for the trip.

(c) If you accept payment from a non-Federal source for travel expenses in violation of paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this section, you may be subject to the penalties specified in § 304-3.18.

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