Are there any special requirements for sponsoring or funding a conference at a hotel, motel or other place of public accommodation?

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§ 301-74.9 Are there any special requirements for sponsoring or funding a conference at a hotel, motel or other place of public accommodation?

Yes. When you sponsor or fund (see 15 U.S.C. 2225a), in whole or in part, a conference at a place of public accommodation in the United States, you must use an approved accommodation (see § 300-3.1 of this title), except as provided in § 301-74.10. This provision also applies to the government of the District of Columbia when it expends Federal funds for a conference and any non-Federal entity which uses Government funds to sponsor or fund a conference.

[FTR Amdt. 89, 65 FR 1327, Jan. 10, 2000. Redesignated and amended by FTR Amdt. 2013-01, 78 FR 65212, Oct. 31, 2013]

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