Is commercial fishing authorized in the marine waters of Glacier Bay National Park?

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§ 13.1130 Is commercial fishing authorized in the marine waters of Glacier Bay National Park?

Yes - Commercial fishing is authorized within the outer waters of the park and within the non-wilderness waters of Glacier Bay, subject to the provisions of this chapter.

(a) Commercial fishing shall be administered pursuant to a cooperatively developed State/federal park fisheries management plan, international conservation and management treaties, and existing federal and non-conflicting State law. The management plan shall provide for the protection of park values and purposes, the prohibition on any new or expanded fisheries, and the opportunity to study marine resources.

(b) Commercial fishing or conducting an associated buying or processing operation in wilderness waters is prohibited.

(c) A new or expanded fishery is prohibited. The Superintendent shall compile a list of the existing fisheries and gear types used in the outer waters and follow the procedures in §§ 1.5 and 1.7 of this chapter to inform the public.

(d) Maps and charts showing which marine areas of Glacier Bay are closed to commercial fishing are available from the Superintendent.

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