Effect of lack of compliance.

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§ 802.902 Effect of lack of compliance.

If, at any time after a mitigation agreement or condition is entered into or imposed under section 721(l), the Committee or a lead agency in coordination with the Staff Chairperson, as the case may be, determines that a party or parties to the agreement or condition are not in compliance with the terms of the agreement or condition, the Committee or a lead agency in coordination with the Staff Chairperson may, in addition to the authority of the Committee to impose penalties under section 721(h) and to unilaterally initiate a review of any covered real estate transaction under section 721(b)(1)(D)(iii):

(a) Negotiate a plan of action for the party or parties to remediate the lack of compliance, with failure to abide by the plan or otherwise remediate the lack of compliance serving as the basis for the Committee to find a material breach of the agreement or condition;

(b) Require that the party or parties submit a written notice or declaration under clause (i) of section 721(b)(1)(C) with respect to a covered real estate transaction initiated after the date of the determination of noncompliance and before the date that is five years after the date of the determination to the Committee to initiate a review of the transaction under section 721(b); or

(c) Seek injunctive relief.

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