Finality of actions under section 721.

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§ 802.701 Finality of actions under section 721.

All authority available to the President or the Committee under section 721(d), including divestment authority, shall remain available at the discretion of the President with respect to any covered real estate transaction. Subject to § 802.501(c)(1)(ii), such authority shall not be exercised if:

(a) The Committee, through its Staff Chairperson, has advised a party (or the parties) in writing that a particular transaction with respect to which a voluntary notice or a declaration has been filed is not a covered real estate transaction;

(b) The parties to the transaction have been advised in writing under § 802.405(a)(4), § 802.506, or § 802.508(d) that the Committee has concluded all action under section 721 with respect to the covered real estate transaction; or

(c) The President has previously announced, under section 721(d), his or her decision not to exercise his or her authority under section 721 with respect to the covered real estate transaction.

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