Withdrawal of notices.

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§ 802.509 Withdrawal of notices.

(a) A party (or parties) to a transaction that has filed notice under § 802.501(a) may request in writing, at any time prior to conclusion of all action under section 721, that such notice be withdrawn. Such request shall be directed to the Staff Chairperson and shall state the reasons why the request is being made. Such requests will ordinarily be granted, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. An official of the Department of the Treasury will promptly advise the parties to the transaction in writing of the Committee's decision.

(b) Any request to withdraw an agency notice by the agency that filed it shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon approval by the Committee. An official of the Department of the Treasury shall advise the parties to the transaction in writing of the Committee's decision to approve the withdrawal request within two business days of the Committee's decision.

(c) In any case where a request to withdraw a notice is granted under paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) The Staff Chairperson, in consultation with the Committee, shall establish, as appropriate:

(i) A process for tracking actions that may be taken by any party to the covered real estate transaction before a notice is refiled under § 802.501; and

(ii) Interim protections to address specific national security concerns with the covered real estate transaction identified during the review or investigation of the covered real estate transaction.

(2) The Staff Chairperson shall specify a time frame, as appropriate, for the parties to resubmit a notice and shall advise the parties of that time frame in writing.

(d) A notice of a transaction that is submitted under paragraph (c)(2) of this section shall be deemed a new notice for purposes of the regulations in this part, including § 802.701.

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