Determination of whether to undertake an investigation.

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§ 802.505 Determination of whether to undertake an investigation.

(a) After a review of a notified transaction under § 802.503, the Committee shall undertake an investigation of any transaction that it has determined to be a covered real estate transaction if:

(1) A member of the Committee (other than a member designated as ex officio under section 721(k)) advises the Staff Chairperson that the member believes that the transaction threatens to impair the national security of the United States and that the threat has not been mitigated; or

(2) The lead agency recommends, and the Committee concurs, that an investigation be undertaken.

(b) The Committee shall also undertake, after a review of a covered real estate transaction under § 802.503, an investigation to determine the effects on national security of any covered real estate transaction that would result in control by a foreign person of critical infrastructure, as defined in § 800.214 of this title, of or within the United States, if the Committee determines that the transaction could impair the national security and such impairment has not been mitigated.

(c) The Committee shall undertake an investigation as described in paragraph (b) of this section unless the Chairperson of the Committee (or the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury) and the head of any lead agency (or his or her delegee at the deputy level or equivalent) designated by the Chairperson determine on the basis of the review that the covered real estate transaction will not impair the national security of the United States.

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