Timing rule for a contingent equity interest.

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§ 802.304 Timing rule for a contingent equity interest.

(a) For purposes of determining whether to include the rights that a holder of a contingent equity interest will acquire upon conversion of, or exercise of a right provided by, that interest in the Committee's analysis of whether a notified transaction is a covered real estate transaction, the Committee will consider factors that include:

(1) The imminence of conversion or satisfaction of contingent conditions;

(2) Whether conversion or satisfaction of contingent conditions depends on factors within the control of the acquiring party; and

(3) Whether the amount of interest and the rights that would be acquired upon conversion or satisfaction of contingent conditions can be reasonably determined at the time of acquisition.

(b) When the Committee, applying paragraph (a) of this section, determines that the rights that the holder will acquire upon conversion or satisfaction of contingent condition will not be included in the Committee's analysis of whether a notified or submitted transaction is a covered real estate transaction, the Committee will disregard the contingent equity interest for purposes of that transaction except to the extent that they convey immediate rights to the holder with respect to the entity that issued the interest.

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