Transactions that are covered real estate transactions.

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§ 802.301 Transactions that are covered real estate transactions.

Transactions that are covered real estate transactions include:

(a) A transaction that meets the criteria of § 802.212, including where a foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) enters into a purchase or lease of, or obtains a concession to, covered real estate either directly or indirectly. (See the examples in paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this section.)

(b) A purchase by a foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) of less than full ownership of covered real estate that nevertheless affords the foreign person at least three property rights with respect to the covered real estate. (See the example in paragraph (h)(3) of this section.)

(c) A purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) of real estate, a portion of which is covered real estate with respect to which the foreign person has at least three property rights. (See the example in paragraph (h)(4) of this section.)

(d) A purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) of a portion of covered real estate with respect to which the foreign person has at least three property rights. (See the example in paragraph (h)(5) of this section.)

(e) A purchase, lease, or assignment of a concession, of covered real estate that meets the criteria of § 802.212 by one foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) from another foreign person. (See the example in paragraph (h)(6) of this section.)

(f) A purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person (other than an excepted real estate investor) of covered real estate, that, through a subsequent change in the rights that a foreign person has with respect to covered real estate, results in the foreign person having at least three property rights. (See the example in paragraph (h)(7) of this section.)

(g) A transaction the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of this part.

(h) Examples:

(1) Example 1. Corporation A, a foreign person, acquires Corporation X, a U.S. business. As a result, Corporation X is a foreign person. Subsequently, Corporation X purchases real estate that is in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part and obtains all of the property rights with respect to such real estate. Assuming no other relevant facts, the transaction is a covered real estate transaction.

(2) Example 2. Corporation A purchases covered real estate that is undeveloped land. Corporation A's only asset in the United States is the covered real estate, and Corporation A is not itself nor does it own a U.S. business. In a subsequent transaction, Corporation B, a foreign person, purchases 100 percent of the shares of Corporation A. Assuming no other relevant facts, the subsequent transaction as an indirect purchase of real estate is a covered real estate transaction.

(3) Example 3. Corporation A, a foreign person, together with Corporation B, a U.S. business, purchases real estate that is in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 2 of appendix A to this part. Neither party has full ownership; rather, the title to the real estate is held by the two parties jointly. Corporation A is afforded at least three property rights as a result of the transaction. Assuming no other relevant facts, the transaction is a covered real estate transaction.

(4) Example 4. Corporation A, a foreign person, purchases real estate. Half of such real estate is located in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part of and is therefore covered real estate. The other half of the real estate purchased by Corporation A is not located in close proximity to any such military installation. Assuming no other relevant facts, Corporation A's purchase is a covered real estate transaction.

(5) Example 5. Corporation A, a U.S. business, purchases covered real estate that is entirely located in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 2 of appendix A to this part. Corporation B, a foreign person, leases from Corporation A a part of that real estate. Corporation B is entitled to at least three property rights with respect to the real estate as a result of the transaction. Assuming no other relevant facts, Corporation B's lease is a covered real estate transaction.

(6) Example 6. Corporation A, a foreign person, purchases covered real estate and is afforded three property rights with respect to the covered real estate. In a subsequent transaction, Corporation B, another foreign person, leases the covered real estate from Corporation A, and is also afforded three property rights. Assuming no other relevant facts, each transaction is a covered real estate transaction.

(7) Example 7. Corporation A, a foreign person, leases from Person B covered real estate, and is afforded two property rights. Person B subsequently provides Corporation A an additional property right in connection with the lease. Assuming no other relevant facts, the lease is a covered real estate transaction because the subsequent change in rights results in the foreign person having at least three property rights.

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