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§ 802.229 Parent.

(a) The term parent means, with respect to an entity:

(1) A person who or which directly or indirectly:

(i) Holds or will hold at least 50 percent of the outstanding voting interest in the entity; or

(ii) Holds or will hold the right to at least 50 percent of the profits of the entity, or has or will have the right in the event of dissolution to at least 50 percent of the assets of the entity; or

(2) The general partner, managing member, or equivalent of the entity.

(b) Any entity that meets the conditions of paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section with respect to another entity (i.e., the intermediate parent) is also a parent of any other entity of which the intermediate parent is a parent.

(c) Examples:

(1) Example 1. Corporation P holds 50 percent of the voting interest in Corporations R and S; Corporation R holds 40 percent of the voting interest in Corporation X; and Corporation S holds 50 percent of the voting interest in Corporation Y, which in turn holds 50 percent of the voting interest in Corporation Z. Corporation P is a parent of Corporations R, S, Y, and Z, but not of Corporation X. Corporation S is a parent of Corporation Y and Z, and Corporation Y is a parent of Corporation Z.

(2) Example 2. Corporation A holds warrants which when exercised will entitle it to vote 50 percent of the outstanding shares of Corporation B. Corporation A is a parent of Corporation B.

(3) Example 3. Investor A holds 60 percent of the outstanding voting interest in Corporation B. Investor C holds the right to 80 percent of the profits of Corporation B. Each of Investor A and Investor C is a parent of Corporation B.

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