Military installation.

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§ 802.227 Military installation.

The term military installation means any site that meets the following category descriptions, as identified in the list at appendix A to this part:

(a) Active Air Force ballistic missile fields;

(b) Air Force bases administering active Air Force ballistic missile fields;

(c) Air Force bases and major annexes thereof containing a unit from the Air Force Air Combat Command;

(d) Air Force bases and major annexes thereof containing an Air Force research laboratory or test unit and associated sites;

(e) Air Force bases and major annexes thereof containing a unit of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and its regions;

(f) Air Force bases and Air Force stations and major annexes thereof containing satellite, telemetry, tracking, or commanding systems;

(g) Army bases, ammunition plants, centers of excellence and research laboratories and major annexes thereof, excluding depots, arsenals, and airfields that are not collocated with an Army installation included in this section;

(h) Army combat training centers located in the continental United States;

(i) Headquarters of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and major offices and annexes thereof;

(j) Long range radar sites and major annexes thereof in any of the following states: Alaska, North Dakota, California, or Massachusetts;

(k) Major range and test facility base activities as defined in 10 U.S.C. 196;

(l) Marine Corps bases and air stations and major annexes thereof, excluding detachments, installations, logistics battalions, recruit depots, and support facilities;

(m) Military ranges as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(e)(1) owned by the Navy or Air Force, or joint forces training centers that are located in any of the following states: Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Mississippi, North Carolina, or Florida;

(n) Naval bases and air stations containing squadrons and supporting commands of the Submarine Force Atlantic or Submarine Force Pacific and major offices thereof;

(o) Naval surface, air, and undersea warfare centers and research laboratories and major annexes thereof; and

(p) Navy off-shore range complexes and off-shore operating areas.

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