Excepted real estate transaction.

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§ 802.216 Excepted real estate transaction.

The term excepted real estate transaction means the following:

(a) A purchase or lease by, or concession to, an excepted real estate investor of covered real estate, or a change in rights of an excepted real estate investor with respect to covered real estate.

(b) A covered transaction as defined in part 800 of this chapter that includes the purchase, lease, or concession of covered real estate.

(c) The purchase, lease, or concession of covered real estate that is within an urbanized area or urban cluster, except for real estate that is subject to paragraph (a) or (b)(1) of § 802.211.

(d) The purchase, lease, or concession of covered real estate that is a single housing unit, including fixtures and adjacent land to the extent that such fixtures and land are incidental to the use of the real estate as a single housing unit.

(e) The lease by or a concession to a foreign person of covered real estate under paragraph (a) of § 802.211 if:

(1) The foreign person is a foreign air carrier, as that term is defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102(a)(21), for whom the Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration has accepted a security program under 49 CFR 1546.105, but only to the extent that the lease or concession is in furtherance of its activities as a foreign air carrier; or

(2) According to the terms of the lease or concession, the covered real estate may be used only for the purpose of engaging in the retail sale of consumer goods or services to the public.

(f) The purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person of commercial space in a multi-unit building that is covered real estate, if, upon the completion of the transaction:

(1) The foreign person and its affiliates do not, in the aggregate, hold, lease, or have a concession with respect to commercial space in such building that exceeds 10 percent of the total square footage of the commercial space of such building; and

(2) The foreign person and its affiliates (each counted separately) do not represent more than 10 percent of the total number of tenants based on the number of ownership, lease and concession arrangements for commercial space in the building.

(g) The purchase or lease by, or a concession to, a foreign person of covered real estate either:

(1) Owned by an Alaska “Native village,” “Native group,” or “Native Corporation” as those terms are defined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act at 43 U.S.C. 1602; or

(2) Held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, Alaska Natives, or any of the entities set forth in paragraph (g)(1) of this section.

(h) Examples:

(1) Example 1. Corporation A, a foreign person, proposes to purchase all of the shares of Corporation X, a U.S. business. Corporation X is in the business of owning and leasing real estate, including real estate properties that are in close proximity to military installations identified in part 1 and part 2 of appendix A to this part. As the sole owner of Corporation X, Corporation A will have control over Corporation X. The proposed transaction is not a covered real estate transaction but is a covered transaction under part 800 of this chapter.

(2) Example 2. Same facts as the example in paragraph (h)(1) of this section. After the transaction contemplated in Example 1 of this section is completed, Corporation X leases from another person a tract of land that is in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part. Assuming no other relevant facts, the proposed transaction is a covered real estate transaction but only with respect to the new lease.

(3) Example 3. Corporation A, a foreign person, seeks to purchase from Corporation X an empty warehouse located in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 2 of appendix A to this part. Assuming no other relevant facts, the purchase of the covered real estate is not a covered transaction subject to part 800 of this chapter because Corporation A has not acquired a U.S. business, and the purchase is a covered real estate transaction.

(4) Example 4. Same facts as the example in paragraph (h)(3) of this section, except that, in addition to the proposed purchase of Corporation X's empty warehouse, Corporation A would also acquire from Corporation X the personnel, customer list, equipment, and inventory management software used to operate the warehouse. Under these facts, Corporation A is acquiring a U.S. business, and the proposed transaction is a covered transaction subject to part 800 of this chapter and therefore not a covered real estate transaction.

(5) Example 5. Corporation A, a foreign person, purchases covered real estate that is undeveloped and in close proximity to a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part. Corporation A, through a newly incorporated U.S. subsidiary, intends to use the covered real estate to set up a manufacturing facility. Assuming no other relevant facts, Corporation A has not acquired a U.S. business, the purchase of the covered real estate is not a covered transaction subject to part 800 of this chapter, and Corporation A's purchase of the covered real estate is a covered real estate transaction.

(6) Example 6. A foreign person purchases real estate. The nearest military installation is one that is identified in part 2 of appendix A to this part and is 40 miles away (i.e., in the extended range) from the real estate. The real estate is located in a statistical geographic area with a population of 125,000 individuals. Assuming no other relevant facts, the transaction is not a covered real estate transaction because the covered real estate is located in an urbanized area.

(7) Example 7. Same facts as the example in paragraph (h)(6) of this section, except that the covered real estate is not located in an urbanized area or an urban cluster. Assuming no other relevant facts, the real estate transaction is a covered real estate transaction.

(8) Example 8. A foreign person purchases real estate that is 0.25 miles from a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part. The real estate is located in an urbanized area. Assuming no other relevant facts, the real estate transaction is a covered real estate transaction because it is in close proximity to a military installation listed in part 1 of appendix A to this part.

(9) Example 9. A foreign person purchases a single housing unit, including the one acre of land surrounding it, within 0.5 miles from a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part. Each home in the neighborhood sits on a separate lot, each of which is approximately one acre in size. The acre of land surrounding the housing unit is incidental to use of the land as a single housing unit, and the real estate transaction therefore is not a covered real estate transaction.

(10) Example 10. Same facts as the example in paragraph (h)(9) of this section, except that the foreign person also purchases an adjacent five acres of undeveloped land a year later. Assuming no other relevant facts, the purchase of the adjacent land is a covered real estate transaction.

(11) Example 11. A foreign person leases five percent of the total commercial space in a building located 0.5 miles from a military installation identified in part 1 of appendix A to this part. There are nine other tenants that have leases for commercial space with the building owner. Assuming no other relevant facts, the transaction is a not a covered real estate transaction.

Note 1 to § 802.216:

With respect to paragraph (d) of this section, for purposes herein, fixtures and land may be considered incidental if the size and nature of such is common for similar single housing units in the locality in which the unit is located.

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