Covered real estate transaction.

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§ 802.212 Covered real estate transaction.

The term covered real estate transaction means:

(a) Other than an excepted real estate transaction, any purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person of covered real estate, that affords the foreign person at least three of the property rights under § 802.233;

(b) Other than an excepted real estate transaction, any purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person of covered real estate, that, through a subsequent change in the rights that a foreign person has with respect to that covered real estate, results in the foreign person having at least three of the property rights under § 802.233; or

(c) Any other transaction, transfer, agreement, or arrangement, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of section 721 as it relates to real estate transactions.

Note 1 to § 802.212:

Any transaction, transfer, agreement, or arrangement described in this section that arises pursuant to a bankruptcy proceeding or other form of default on debt is a covered real estate transaction. See also § 802.303 for the treatment of certain lending transactions.

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