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§ 802.1103 Valuation.

Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the value of the transaction for purposes of determining the required fee amount in this subpart shall be determined as follows:

(a) For a transaction structured as a purchase, by the total value of all consideration that has been or will be provided in the context of the transaction by or on behalf of the foreign person that is a purchaser in the transaction, including cash, assets, shares or other ownership interests, debt forgiveness, or services or other in-kind consideration.

(b) For a transaction structured as a lease, by the value of the sum of, as applicable:

(1) Any fixed payments to be paid by the foreign person that is a lessee in the transaction to, or for the benefit of, the lessor over the term of the lease;

(2) Any variable payments that depend on an index or a rate (such as a market interest rate) to be paid by the foreign person that is a lessee in the transaction to, or for the benefit of, the lessor, over the term of the lease, measured for purposes of this section by using the index or rate on the day immediately prior to the date the parties file the formal written notice; and

(3) Any non-cash consideration to be provided by the foreign person that is a lessee in the transaction to, or for the benefit of, the lessor, over the term of the lease, as may be reasonably determined as of the date the parties file the formal written notice.

(c) For a transaction structured as a concession, by the value of the sum of all rent, fees, and charges to be paid by the foreign person to the grantor and any non-cash consideration to be provided by such foreign person to, or for the benefit of, the grantor, over the term of a concession agreement, as may be reasonably determined as of the date the parties file the formal written notice.

(d) Determining the value of consideration:

(1) Where the consideration is or includes securities traded on a national securities exchange, the value of the securities is the closing price on the national securities exchange on which the securities are primarily traded on the trading day immediately prior to the date the parties file the formal written notice with the Committee under § 802.501(a), or if the securities were not traded on that day, the last published closing price.

(2) Where the consideration is or includes other non-cash assets, services, interests, or other in-kind consideration, including real property contributed by a foreign person that is party to a transaction involving the exchange of land or contribution to a joint venture, the value of the assets, service, interests, or other in-kind consideration is their fair market value as of the date the parties file the formal written notice.

(3) Where the transaction is or includes a lending transaction, the consideration includes the cash value of the mortgage, loan, or similar financing arrangement, made available or provided by or on behalf of the foreign person that is a party to the transaction.

(4) Where the transaction is or includes the conversion of a contingent equity interest previously acquired by a foreign person that is a party to the transaction, the consideration includes what was paid by or on behalf of the foreign person to initially acquire the contingent equity interest, in addition to any other consideration paid or to be paid in connection with the conversion.

(e) Exceptions:

(1) In the case of a purchase, to the extent the consideration to be provided by the foreign person has not been or cannot reasonably be determined as of the date the parties file the formal written notice, the value of the transaction includes, with respect to assets for which consideration has not been determined, the fair market value of the assets being purchased in the transaction as of the date the parties file the formal written notice.

The consideration amount may be determined notwithstanding minor standard adjustments that are to be made at closing.

(2) In the case of a lease or concession, where the consideration to be provided by the foreign person has not been or cannot reasonably be determined at the time of filing, or, where the parties cannot reasonably determine the value of rent, fees, charges, or services under paragraph (c) of this section, the filing fee required shall be that required under § 802.1101(b).

(f) The Staff Chairperson is not bound by the parties' characterization of the transaction and its value or their good faith approximation provided to the Committee under § 802.502(b)(1)(ix).

(g) Fair market value means the price that would be received in exchange for sale of an interest, or paid to receive a service or to transfer liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants.

(1) In determining fair market value, parties shall make a good faith estimate and generally may rely on the last valuation as presented in financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or other widely recognized accounting principles, such as the International Financial Reporting Standards, or the valuation of an independent appraiser; provided, however, that if no valuation has occurred within the prior two fiscal quarters, or if there have been significant changes to the fair market value since the last valuation, the parties shall make a good faith estimate at the time of filing the formal written notice, or, if the parties are filing after the completion of the transaction, the completion date of the transaction.

(2) In determining the fair market value of services, the parties may rely upon the value of services determined by the parties as set forth in an executed written agreement, or make an estimate at the time of filing the formal written notice based upon rates charged to third parties or recent industry reports or other sources of comparable commercial data; provided, however, if such sources are unavailable, the parties shall make a good faith estimate. If the parties are filing after completion of the transaction, the parties shall make an estimate of the fair market value as of the completion date.

(h) Multiple-phase and contingent equity interest transactions:

(1) Where a transaction will be effectuated in multiple phases, the value of the transaction includes the total value of the multiple phases, as may be reasonably determined as of the date the parties file the formal written notice.

(2) Where a transaction is or includes the acquisition of contingent equity interest, the value of the transaction includes the consideration that was paid by or on behalf of the foreign person to acquire the contingent equity interest, and, if the conditions that lead to conversion will occur imminently, the conditions are within the control of the acquiring party, and the consideration for the interest that would be acquired upon conversion or satisfaction of contingent conditions can be reasonably determined at the time of acquisition, any other consideration paid or to be paid in connection with the conversion.

See § 802.1103(d)(4) regarding consideration for a contingent equity interest where the interest has been converted to equity.

(i) Examples:

(1) Example 1. Corporation A, a foreign person, enters into an agreement for the purchase of a parcel of covered real estate (Parcel X) from Corporation B. In exchange for ownership of Parcel X, Corporation A forgives a debt owed to it by Corporation B that is valued at $5,000,000 and pays $35,000,000 to Corporation B. Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the transaction is $40,000,000, and the filing fee is $7,500.

(2) Example 2. Corporation A, a foreign person, enters into an agreement to lease a parcel of covered real estate from Corporation B. Pursuant to the agreement, Corporation A will pay Corporation B a fixed annual payment of $300,000 for a term of three years, with an option to renew the lease at the end of the term. Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the transaction is $900,000, and the filing fee is $750.

(3) Example 3. Corporation A, a foreign person, proposes to enter into a concession agreement with a U.S. public entity for the right to use certain covered real estate for the purpose of developing and operating terminal infrastructure at a covered port. The concession agreement is for a five-year term. Under the concession agreement, Corporation A will pay the U.S. public entity a use charge of $450,000 per year starting in the second year. The concession agreement also requires Corporation A to pay utility fees and common area maintenance charges of $5,000 per month for the full concession term. Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the transaction is $2,100,000, based on the $1,800,000 use charge and $300,000 in utility fees. The filing fee is $750.

(4) Example 4. Corporation A, a foreign person, proposes to enter into an oil, gas and mineral lease with a U.S. public entity. Under the terms of the lease, Corporation A pays a lease bonus of $1,000 per acre as an inducement to execute the lease with respect to a 10-acre parcel of covered real estate. The lease has a 10-year term. Corporation A must pay a royalty of 12.5 percent with respect to oil or gas production from the leased parcel. In the absence of such production, the foreign person is obligated to pay a rental fee of $1,000 per acre per year for the first five years and $2,000 per acre thereafter. Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the transaction is $160,000 and there is no filing fee.

(5) Example 5. Corporation A, a foreign person, proposes to purchase Plot X and Plot Y. The transaction will be completed in two phases. Corporation A will first acquire Plot X for $30,000,000 (phase 1). One month later, Corporation A will acquire Plot Y for another $30,000,000 (phase 2). Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the consideration is $60,000,000 (the total consideration for both phases), and the filing fee is $75,000.

(6) Example 6. Corporation A, a foreign person, proposes to purchase Plot X and acquire an option to purchase Plot Y. Corporation A will acquire Plot X and the option related to Plot Y in exchange for $30,000,000. Corporation A informs its shareholders that within two months, it will exercise the option to purchase Plot Y in exchange for another $30,000,000. Because the option to convert is imminent and in the control of Corporation A, and the consideration can be reasonably determined, the value of the transaction includes the consideration to be paid in connection with the conversion. Assuming no other relevant facts, the value of the consideration is $60,000,000 (the total consideration for the purchase of Plot X and the option to purchase Plot Y), and the filing fee is $75,000.

(j) The determination of the value of the transaction for purposes of calculating the filing fee in no way limits the Committee's jurisdiction or its authority to review, investigate, mitigate, impose penalties regarding, or take any other action regarding any covered real estate transaction.

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