As appropriate, the definitions of terms used in this part are those found in the relevant portions of the Internal Revenue Code and the Income Tax Regulations.
Fiscal Service's Web site refers to
Business day(s) means Federal business day(s).
Current Treasury borrowing rate means the prevailing market rate, as determined by Treasury, for a Treasury security with the specified period to maturity. In the case where SLGS rates are needed for maturities currently not issued by Treasury, at our discretion, suitable proxies for Treasury securities and/or a rate setting methodology, as determined by the Secretary, may be used to derive a current Treasury borrowing rate. At any time that the Secretary establishes such proxies or a rate-setting method or determines that the methodology should be revised, we will make an announcement.
Day(s) means calendar day(s).
Eligible source of funds means:
(1) Any amounts that constitute gross proceeds of a tax-exempt bond issue or are reasonably expected to become gross proceeds of a tax-exempt bond issue;
(2) Any amounts that formerly were gross proceeds of a tax-exempt bond issue, but no longer are treated as gross proceeds of such issue as a result of the operation of the universal cap on the maximum amount treated as gross proceeds under 26 CFR 1.148-6(b)(2);
(3) Amounts held or to be held together with gross proceeds of one or more tax-exempt bond issues in a refunding escrow, defeasance escrow, parity debt service reserve fund, or commingled fund (as defined in 26 CFR 1.148-1(b));
(4) Proceeds of a taxable bond issue that refunds a tax-exempt bond issue or is refunded by a tax-exempt bond issue; or
(5) Any other amounts that are subject to yield limitations under the rules applicable to tax-exempt bonds under the Internal Revenue Code.
Issuer refers to the Government body or other entity that issues state or local government bonds described in section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code.
SLGS rate means the current Treasury borrowing rate, less one basis point, as released daily by Treasury in a SLGS rate table. If the current Treasury borrowing rate, together with the one basis point adjustment, results in a negative rate, such corresponding SLGS rate will be set at zero.
SLGS rate table means a compilation of SLGS rates available for a given day.
“We,” “us,” or “the Secretary” refers to the Secretary and the Secretary's delegates at the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service). The term also extends to any fiscal or financial agent acting on behalf of the United States when designated to act by the Secretary or the Secretary's delegates.
Yield on an investment means “yield” as computed under 26 CFR 1.148-5.
You or your refers to a SLGS program user or a potential SLGS program user.
[70 FR 37911, June 30, 2005, as amended at 77 FR 33635, June 7, 2012]