CSOSA's review and clearance of guidance documents, including policy and procedures, occurs according to the stages set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(a) Policy management -
(1) Stage 1 - planning. The CSOSA component coordinates with OPA to initiate the process.
(2) Stage 2 - development. The CSOSA component provides the operational details and OPA will conduct the analysis and coordination and then prepare the initial document.
(3) Stage 3 - review. The multi-layered review involves the Associate Directors, other CSOSA components and Employee Labor Relations (ELR), if appropriate. Upon completion, the Director reviews and signs the document for implementation.
(4) Stage 4 - maintenance. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) posts the signed policies to CSOSA's intranet and/or public-facing web portal, and OPA maintains the central repository of all signed policies and associated working files and initiates the biennial review.
(b) Procedure (also known as operating instruction - OI) management -
(1) Stage 1 - planning. The CSOSA component submits a request to OPA for a new OI or an update to an existing OI;
(2) Stage 2 - development. The CSOSA component prepares the content for the initial draft, which OPA reviews and affects any necessary coordination across CSOSA.
(3) Stage 3 - review. The initial draft OI is submitted simultaneously to CSOSA Associate Directors, the Supervisory Policy Analyst, and Office of the Director for review. If applicable, notice is provided to union representatives; and upon clearance and approvals it is submitted to the Director for review, signature, and implementation.
(4) Stage 4 - maintenance. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) posts the signed OI to CSOSA's intranet and/or public-facing web portal; OPA maintains the central repository of all signed OI and associated working files and initiates the biennial review.