What installers must tell their customers.

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§ 460.17 What installers must tell their customers.

If you are an installer, you must give your customers a contract or receipt for the insulation you install. For all insulation except loose-fill and reflective insulation, the receipt must show the coverage area, thickness, and R-value of the insulation you installed. The receipt must be dated and signed by the installer. To figure out the R-value of the insulation, use the data that the manufacturer gives you. If you put insulation in more than one part of the house, put the data for each part on the receipt. You can do this on one receipt, as long as you do not add up the coverage areas or R-values for different parts of the house. Do not multiply the R-value for one inch by the number of inches you installed. For loose-fill, the receipt must show the coverage area, initial installed thickness, minimum settled thickness, R-value, and the number of bags used. For reflective insulation, the receipt must show the number and thickness of the air spaces, the direction of heat flow, and the R-value.

[70 FR 31276, May 31, 2005, as amended at 84 FR 20790, May 13, 2019]

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