Maximum acceptable surface temperatures.

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§ 1505.7 Maximum acceptable surface temperatures.

The maximum acceptable surface temperatures for electrically operated toys shall be as follows:

Expand Table
Surface type (as described - in § 1505.6 (g)(2)) Thermal inertia type1 Temperatures
°C. °F.
A 1 50 122
A 2 55 131
A 3 60 140
B 1 55 131
B 2 65 149
B 3 75 167
C (unmarked) 1 65 149
C (unmarked) 2 75 167
C (unmarked) 3 85 185
C (unmarked) 4 95 203
C marked 1 70 158
C marked 2 90 194
C marked 3 110 230
C marked 4 130 266
D (unmarked) 1 55 131
D (unmarked) 2 70 158
D (unmarked) 3 80 176
D (unmarked) 4 90 194
D marked 1 60 140
D marked 2 75 167
D marked 3 100 212
D marked 4 125 257
E (2) (3) (3)

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