Requirements to provide performance and technical notice to prospective purchasers and purchasers.

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§ 1406.4 Requirements to provide performance and technical notice to prospective purchasers and purchasers.

Manufacturers, including importers, of coal and wood burning appliances as defined in § 1406.3 shall give notification of performance and technical data related to performance and safety to prospective purchasers at the time of original purchase and to the first purchaser of such products for purposes other than resale, in the manner set forth below:

(a) Written notice on appliance.

(1) The appliance shall bear a legible notice containing the following performance and technical data.

(i) Appropriate minimum clearances from unprotected combustibles to avoid the occurrence of fire.[2] The clearances shall include:

(A) Distance from the back and sides of the appliance, and the chimney connector, to walls, stated in diagrammatic form.

(B) Distance to be maintained between the chimney connector and ceilings, in either diagrammatic or written form.

(ii) Type and dimensions of floor protection, if necessary to protect combustible floors.

(iii) Proper type(s) of chimney and chimney connector to be used with the appliance. This information should include the proper designations so that the chimney and chimney connector are of suitable design and construction to withstand the temperature of the flue gases and other probable environmental stresses and so that the inside dimensions are suitable to adequately vent the products of combustion. See Figs. 1 and 2 for examples of an acceptable designation for a chimney and chimney connector.

(iv) Identification of parts or precautions required for passing a chimney through combustible walls or ceilings or for passing a chimney connector through combustible walls. The following statement is an example of one that complies with this requirement:

Special methods are required when passing through a wall or ceiling. See instructions or building codes.

(v) A statement not to overfire the appliance, and a description of at least 1 condition which signals overfiring.

(vi) A statement of how often the chimney and chimney connector should be inspected and that it should be cleaned when necessary.

(vii) Information explaining that the appliance should be installed and used only in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and local building codes.

(viii) A direction to contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection requirements.

(ix) A statement that furnishings and combustible materials should be kept a considerable distance from the appliance or a statement to keep furnishings and other combustibles far away.

(x) The types of fuel suitable for use in the appliance.

(xi) The name and address of the manufacturer, importer or private labeler to which the owner can write for a copy of the manufacturer's directions or for additional information, and a sufficient identification of the appliance model so that the appropriate information can be supplied.

(2) No specific wording is required on the written notice, but the information shall be printed in legible English in clear and readily understandable language. Examples of acceptable labels are given in Figs. 1 and 2, appendix I.

(3) The written notice shall be placed in a location that is conspicuous before the appliance is installed. In addition, the written information required by paragraphs (a)(1)(v), (a)(1)(vi), (a)(1)(ix), and (a)(1)(x) of this section shall be readily visible during normal use of the appliance. A label on the back of the stove would not be considered “readily visible” during normal use if the stove is suitable for installation with its back within a few feet of the wall. Locations within compartments or behind doors or panels may be readily visible during normal use if the location is readily visible when the door or panel is opened or removed and the door or panel must be opened or removed, or the compartments used, as part of the normal operating procedures for the appliance. An example of a notice format where the information required to be readily visible during normal use is separated from the remainder of the notice is given in Fig. 1, appendix I. The Commission recommends the use of this 2 label format in order to provide more consumer awareness of the operation and maintenance information after the appliance is installed, since this information would be on a simpler label that would not have installation information competing for the consumer's attention.

(4) The written notice shall be provided so that it will remain legible for the maximum expected useful life of the appliance in normal operation.

(b) Directions. All appliances covered by this rule shall be accompanied by directions that include the following technical and performance information:

(1) The following notice shall be placed on the first page of the document(s) containing the directions and at the beginning of the directions:


This statement shall be conspicuous and in type that is at least as large as the largest type used on the remainder of the page, with the exception of the logo and any identification of the manufacturer, brand, model, and similar designations. At the manufacturer's option, other information may be added to this notice.

(2) Step by step installation directions shall be provided, including all necessary information regarding parts and materials. This information shall include an explanation of the consequences which could result from failure to install the appliance properly. These directions shall include a direction to refer to the chimney and chimney connector manufacturers' instructions and local building codes for installation through combustible walls or ceilings.

(3) These directions shall also include a clearly identified section containing complete use directions, including what types of fuel(s) can be used and how to fire the unit to avoid fire hazards, and a clearly identified section containing complete maintenance directions, including how and when to clean the chimney and chimney connector. A statement that flammable liquids should not be used with the appliance shall also be included where applicable. These sections shall contain a description of the consequences that could result from failure to use or maintain the appliance properly.

(4) The directions required by paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section shall include all the information required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section and shall be in legible English in readily understandable language. A recommended outline for the directions is given in appendix II.

(c) Catalogs and point of sale literature. Literature for the appliance that is intended to induce an immediate order or sale (such as catalogs and point of sale literature) and that is provided by the manufacturer, shall legibly and conspicuously include the information required by paragraph (a)(1)(viii) of this section and shall state the appropriate minimum clearances, to avoid the occurrence of fire, from the back and sides of the appliance to walls.


General advertising would not be subject to this requirement.

Appendix I to § 1406.4 - Recommended Format and Wording for Written Notice

The following are examples of formats and suggested wording for the written notice required by § 1406.4(a). Information to be supplied by the manufacturer is indicated by underlined blank spaces or by asterisks. The Commission recommends the “two label” format shown in Fig. 1.

Appendix II to § 1406.4 - Recommended Outline for Directions

The following is a recommended outline for the directions required by § 1406.4(b). This outline is a guide and should not be considered as including all of the information that may be necessary for the proper installation, use, and maintenance of the appliance since the necessary information may vary from product to product.


I. Safety Precautions

A. The Safety Notice required by this rule.


B. Statements of other important safety messages, including:

• “Creosote may build up in the chimney connector and chimney and cause a house fire. Inspect the chimney connector and chimney at least twice monthly and clean if necessary.”

• “Overfiring the appliance may cause a house fire. If a unit or chimney connector glows, you are overfiring.”

• “Never use gasoline or other flammable liquids to start or ‘freshen up’ a fire.”

• “Dispose of ashes in a metal container.”

II. Installation Instructions

A. The parts and materials required, including:

• The size and type of chimney to which the appliance is to be connected.

• The size and thickness or gage of metal of the chimney connector.

• The thimble or type of connection through a combustible wall or ceiling.

B. The step-by-step directions for installing the appliance and its accessories, chimney connector, and chimney. The directions would include:

• Clearances from the appliance and chimney connector to combustibles,

• Methods to safely join the chimney connector to the chimney and how to pass these parts through a combustible wall or to pass the chimney through a ceiling.

• The joining of two or more parts to constitute a safe assembly such as attaching and securing the chimney connector to the appliance and to each adjoining section, and,

• Where required, the parts or materials to be used for the floor protector (hearth). The minimum areas to be covered and their relation to the appliance should be stated.

III. Use Instructions

A. Recommendations about building and maintaining a fire, warnings against overfiring, and condition(s) that signal(s) overfiring.

B. Caution against the use and storage of flammable liquids, as follows: “Do not use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to start or ‘freshen up’ a fire in this appliance. Keep these flammable liquids well away from this appliance while it is in use.”

C. Explanation about the use or nonuse of grates, irons and or other methods of supporting the fuel.

D. How to use manual or thermostatic controls.

E. Explanation about the use of any electrical assemblies including care and routing of power supply cord.

F. Caution about disposing of ashes, as follows:

Disposal of Ashes

Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a noncombustible floor or on the ground, away from all combustible materials, pending final disposal. The ashes should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.

G. Keep furnishings and other combustible materials away from appliance.

IV. Maintenance Instructions

A. How to inspect and maintain the appliance, chimney, and chimney connector.

B. Explanation about the formation and removal of creosote buildup in the chimney connector and chimney as follows:

Creosote Formation and Need for Removal

When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other vapors, which combine with moisture to form creosote. Creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney flue, and creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote make an extremely hot fire.

The chimney connector and chimney should be inspected at least twice monthly during the heating season to determine if creosote buildup has occurred.

If creosote has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the chance of a chimney fire.

C. Explain how to remove creosote.

V. References

A. The name and address of the manufacturer or private labeler from which the owner can obtain additional information if needed. Include other sources of information as appropriate.

B. The manufacturer's or private labeler's catalog designations, model numbers or the equivalent for the appliance and related parts.

[48 FR 21914, May 16, 1983, as amended at 48 FR 28230, June 21, 1983]

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