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§ 1401.3 Definitions.

For the purposes of this part 1401:

(a) Chlorofluorocarbon means any fully halogenated chlorofluoroalkane.

(b) Finished product means a product which has been completely manufactured, packaged, and labeled.

(c) Initially introduced into interstate commerce means the first shipment of the product into interstate commerce by the firm marketing the product. There must be both physical movement in interstate commerce and passage of title to the product. Thus, mere shipment of a product across state lines from a contract filler to the marketer of the product would not constitute initial introduction into interstate commerce. All products initially introduced into interstate commerce before the effective date may continue to be distributed and sold even though they do not bear the warning statement.

(d) Manufacturer means any person who manufactures or imports a consumer product. The term includes both a person who manufactures the product at the direction of another (such as a contract filler of aerosol products) and the person at whose direction the product is manufactured (such as the marketer of the brand).

(e) Propellent means a liquefied or compressed gas in a container, where a purpose of the liquefied or compressed gas is to expel material from the container. The material to be expelled may be the propellant itself and/or a material different from the propellent.

(f) The definitions given in section 3 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2052) shall, where applicable, apply to this part 1401.

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