Scope and application.

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§ 1301.1 Scope and application.

(a) In this part 1301 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (Commission) declares that certain unstable refuse bins are banned hazardous products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) (15 U.S.C. 2057 and 2058).

(b) This ban applies to those refuse bins of metal construction that are being distributed in commerce on or after the effective date of this rule, which do not meet the criteria of § 1301.5 and which are produced or distributed for sale to, or for the personal use, consumption or enjoyment of consumers, in or around a permanent or temporary household or residence, a school, in recreation or otherwise. The Commission has found that

(1) these refuse bins are being, or will be distributed in commerce;

(2) they present an unreasonable risk of injury; and

(3) no feasible consumer product safety standard under the CPSA would adequately protect the public from the unreasonable risk of injury associated with these products. The ban is applicable to those refuse bins having an internal volume one cubic yard or greater by actual measurement, which will tip over when subjected to either of the forces described in § 1301.7 and which are in commerce or being distributed in commerce on or after the effective date of the ban.

(c) When such refuse bins are the subject of rental or lease transactions between owners of refuse bins or between refuse collection agencies and persons who make such refuse bins available for use by the public, such transactions are considered to be distributions in commerce and therefore come within the scope of this ban. Refuse collection agencies or owners of refuse bins who rent or lease refuse bins to persons who make them available for use by consumers are considered to be distributors; the persons to whom refuse bins are rented or leased are not considered to be distributors.

(d) On or after the effective date of this rule it shall be unlawful to manufacture for sale, offer for sale, or distribute in commerce, the unstable refuse bins described in this rule.

(e) This rule, effective November 13, 1981, is partially revoked and therefore does not apply to front-loading, straight-sided refuse bins without trunnion bars having an internal volume capacity of 1, 112, or 2 cubic yards, of the following external dimensions:

Expand Table
Internal volume Length (inches) Width (inches) Height1 Weight (lbs)
High side (inches) Low side (inches)
1 cubic yard 70-72 21-23 29-31 29-31 313-347
112 cubic yards 70-72 29-31 33-36 29-32 346-382
2 cubic yards 70-72 32-35 39-43 31-36 409-453

[42 FR 30300, June 13, 1977, as amended at 46 FR 55925, Nov. 13, 1981]

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