Additional entrapment protection requirements.

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§ 1211.9 Additional entrapment protection requirements.

(a) A means to manually detach the door operator from the door shall be supplied. The gripping surface (handle) shall be colored red and shall be easily distinguishable from the rest of the operator. It shall be capable of being adjusted to a height of 6 feet (1.8 m) above the garage floor when the operator is installed according to the instructions specified in § 1211.16(a)(2). The means shall be constructed so that a hand firmly gripping it and applying a maximum of 50 pounds (223 N) of force shall detach the operator with the door obstructed in the down position. The obstructing object, as described in § 1211.7(b)(3)(i), is to be located in several different positions. A marking with instructions for detaching the operator shall be provided as required by § 1211.17(a), (b), and (j), as applicable.

(b) A means to manually detach the door operator from the door is not required for a door operator that is not directly attached to the door and that controls movement of the door so that:

(1) The door is capable of being moved open from any position other than the last (closing) 2 inches (50.8 mm) of travel, and

(2) The door is capable of being moved to the 2-inch (50.8-mm) point from any position between closed and the 2-inch (50.8-mm) point.

(c) Actuation of a control that initiates movement of a door shall stop and may reverse the door on the closing cycle. On the opening cycle, actuation of a control shall stop the door but not reverse it.

(d) An operator shall be constructed so that adjustment of limit, force or other user controls and connection of external entrapment protection devices can be accomplished without exposing normally enclosed live parts or wiring.

[57 FR 60455, Dec. 21, 1992, as amended at 65 FR 70658, Nov. 27, 2000; 81 FR 20231, Apr. 7, 2016]

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