Field-installed labels.

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§ 1211.17 Field-installed labels.

(a) A residential garage door operator shall be provided with labels for field installation and constructed as specified in paragraphs (c) through (i) of this section. The labels shall be acceptable for permanent installation. The instruction manual shall specify where the labels are to be located.

(b) If labels secured by adhesive are used, the instruction shall specify that an additional mechanical means shall be used to secure the labels to surfaces to which the adhesive will not adhere.

(c) A residential garage door operator shall be provided with a cautionary label intended for permanent installation to identify the possible risk of entrapment. The instruction manual shall direct that the label be affixed near the wall-mounted control button.

(d) The label required in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section shall be in a vertical layout with three panels:

(1) A signal word panel,

(2) A pictorial panel, and

(3) A message panel, with adjacent panels delineated from each other by a horizontal black line. The entire label shall be surrounded by a black border and shall measure at least 5 inches (127 mm) wide by 614 inches (159 mm) long overall.

(e) The signal word panel as specified in paragraph (d) of this section shall contain the word “WARNING,” in uppercase letters, preceded by a safety alert symbol consisting of an orange exclamation mark on a black solid equilateral triangle background with the point of the triangle oriented upward. The word “WARNING” and the safety alert symbol shall be centered on one line and shall be in black letters at least 716 inch (11.1 mm) high on an orange background.

(f) The pictorial panel as specified in paragraph (d) of this section shall be positioned between the signal word panel and the message panel. The pictorial shall be black on a white background and shall clearly depict a child running toward or under a garage door. A red prohibition symbol (slash, oriented from the upper left to the lower right, through a circle) shall be superimposed over, and totally surround, the pictorial. The pictorial shall have an overall diameter of 1-718 inch (47.6 mm) minimum.

(g) The message panel as specified in paragraph (d) of this section shall include the following text or an equivalent wording:

(1) Possible Risk and Consequence Statement - “There is a risk of a child becoming trapped under an automatic garage door resulting in severe injury or death.”

(2) Avoidance Statements -

(i) “Do not allow children to walk or run under a closing door.”

(ii) “Do not allow children to operate door operator controls.”

(iii) “Always keep a closing door within sight.”

(iv) “In the event a person is trapped under the door, push the control button or use the emergency release.” For products not having an emergency release use instead “In the event a person is trapped under the door, push the control button.”

(v) For products equipped with an unattended operation feature, the instructions shall include the following: “This operator system is equipped with an unattended operation feature. The door could move unexpectedly.”

(3) Instructions -

(i) “Test Door Operator Monthly: Use a 112 inch thick object placed on the floor under the closing door. In the event the door does not reverse upon contact, adjust, repair, or replace the operator.”

(ii) Additional instructions on not removing or painting over the label, mounting the label adjacent to the wall control, and mounting the wall control out of children's reach shall be provided. These additional instruction shall be in less prominent lettering than those in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this section.


(1) In accordance with § 1211.14(a)(2), the instructions of a residential garage door operator intended for use with both sectional doors and either one-piece or swinging doors and are provided with an unattended operation feature shall comply with paragraph (g) of this section and include the following under the avoidance statements of paragraph (g)(2) of this section:

“Only enable [+] feature when installed with a sectional door.”, or equivalent, where + is the unattended operation closing function.

(2) For operators that automatically sense one piece door operation, this warning is not required.

(i) The lettering of the message panel described in paragraph (g) of this section shall be black on a white background and shall be sans serif letters in combinations of upper case and lower case letters. The upper case letters of the Possible Risk and Consequence Statements and Avoidance Statements shall be 18 inch (3.18 mm) high minimum. The lettering of the Possible Risk and Consequence Statement shall be in italics, underlined, bold, or the like, and shall be double spaced from the Avoidance Statements. All other instructions shall be in letters less prominent than the Possible Risk and Consequence Statements and shall be separated with at least a single space between individual instructions.

(j) Except for door operators complying with § 1211.9(b), a residential garage door operator shall be provided with a cautionary marking attached to or adjacent at all times to the means provided to detach the operator from the garage door. The marking shall include the following statement or the equivalent: “If the door becomes obstructed, detach door from operator as follows: (The method to detach the operator shall be shown on the marking.)”

(k) Both the operator and the door that comprise a combination sectional overhead garage door operator system shall be provided with permanent labels. The labels shall contain the following statement or the equivalent: “WARNING: THIS OPERATOR AND DOOR FUNCTION AS A SYSTEM. IF EITHER THE DOOR OR THE HARDWARE MUST BE REPLACED, THE REPLACEMENT DOOR OR HARDWARE MUST BE IDENTICAL TO THE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT WITH RESPECT TO MANUFACTURER AND MODEL TO MAINTAIN THE SAFETY OF THE SYSTEM. SEE INSTRUCTION MANUAL.” The marking shall be visible to the user after installation without the need to remove any covers.

(l) A label specified in paragraph (m) of this section when intended to be affixed during installation shall:

(1) Be provided with the operator or door assembly; and

(2) Have installation instructions of how and where to install the label so that it is visible to the user after installation.

(m) The operator of a combination sectional overhead garage door operator system shall be provided with a permanent marking that contains the following statement or the equivalent: “NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.”

[57 FR 60455, Dec. 21, 1992. Redesignated and amended at 65 FR 70659, Nov. 27, 2000. Further redesignated and amended at 81 FR 20234, 20237, Apr. 7, 2016]

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