Instruction manual.

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§ 1211.16 Instruction manual.

(a) General.

(1) A residential garage door operator shall be provided with an instruction manual. The instruction manual shall give complete instructions for the installation, operation, and user maintenance of the operator.

(2) Instructions that clearly detail installation and adjustment procedures required to effect proper operation of the safety means provided shall be provided with each door operator.

(3) A residential garage door or door operator shall be provided with complete and specific instructions for the correct adjustment of the control mechanism and the need for periodic checking and, if needed, adjustment of the control mechanism so as to maintain satisfactory operation of the door.

(4) The instruction manual shall include the important instructions specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section. All required text shall be legible and contrast with the background. Upper case letters of required text shall be no less than 564 inch (2.0 mm) high and lower case letters shall be no less than 116 inch (1.6 mm) high. Heading such as “Important Installation Instructions,” “Important Safety Instructions,” “Save These Instructions” and the words “Warning - To reduce the risk of severe injury or death to persons:” shall be in letters no less than 316 inch (4.8 mm) high.

(5) The instructions listed in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section shall be in the exact words specified or shall be in equally definitive terminology to those specified. No substitutes shall be used for the word “Warning.” The items may be numbered. The first and last items specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall be first and last respectively. Other important and precautionary items considered appropriate by the manufacturer may be inserted.

(6) The instructions listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be located immediately prior to the installation instructions. The instructions listed in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall be located immediately prior to user operation and maintenance instructions. In each case, the instructions shall be separate in format from other detailed instructions related to installation, operation and maintenance of the operator. All instructions, except installation instructions, shall be a permanent part of the manual(s).

(7) For an operator or system provided with an external entrapment protection device requiring a non-rechargeable battery, instructions shall be provided with the operator and/or the device for:

(i) The rating, size, number, and type of battery(s) to be used; and

(ii) The proper insertion, polarity, orientation, and replacement of the battery(s).

(8) For an operator or system provided with an external entrapment protection device or system utilizing wireless control, instructions shall be provided with the operator and/or the device for:

(i) The proper method of configuring and initializing the wireless communication link between device and operator;

(ii) The proper orientation, antenna positioning, and mounting location with regard to maintaining communication link between device and operator;

(iii) The maximum range at which the wireless device will operate; and

(iv) The proper location of the device where the transmission of the signals are not obstructed or impeded by building structures, natural landscaping or similar obstruction.

(9) When provided with a detachable supply cord, the operator instructions shall contain complete details concerning proper selection of the power supply cord replacement.

(10) The installation, operation, and maintenance instructions may be provided in electronic read-only media format only, such as CD-ROM, USB flash drive, or company Web site, if the following instructions are additionally provided with the operator in an instruction sheet, manual, booklet, or similar printed material:

(i) Residential garage doors and door operators, instructions of this section, as applicable.

(ii) [Reserved]

(11) The printed instruction material referenced in this section shall contain detailed instructions of how to obtain a printed copy of the material contained in electronic format.

(12) All printed instruction material referenced in this section shall also be provided in the electronic read-only media format.

(13) Instructions of a combination sectional overhead garage door operator system shall specify:

(i) The operator by manufacturer and model;

(ii) The door(s) by manufacturer(s), model(s), and maximum and minimum door width and height required for compliance to § 1211.6(a) and (c); and

(iii) Hardware required for compliance to § 1211.6(a) and (c).

(14) Installation and maintenance instructions of a combination sectional overhead garage door operator system shall indicate how to properly counter-balance the door.

(b) Specific required instructions for residential garage door operators and systems.


(i) The Installation Instructions shall include the following instructions:

Important Installation Instructions

Warning - To reduce the risk of severe injury or death:

1. Read and follow all Installation Instructions.

2. Install only a properly balanced garage door. An improperly balanced door could cause severe injury. Have a qualified service person make repairs to cables, spring assemblies and other hardware before installing opener.

3. Remove all pull ropes and remove, or make inoperative, all locks connected to the garage door before installing opener.

4. Where possible, install door opener 7 feet or more above the floor. For products requiring an emergency release, mount the emergency release within reach, but at least 6 feet above the floor and avoiding contact with vehicles to avoid accidental release.

5. Do not connect opener to source of power until instructed to do so.

6. Locate control button: (a) Within sight of door, (b) at a minimum height of 5 feet above floors, landings, steps, or any other adjacent walking surface so small children cannot reach it, and (c) away from all moving parts of the door.

7. Install Entrapment Warning Label next to the control button in a prominent location. Install the Emergency Release Marking. Attach the marking on or next to the emergency release.

8. After installing opener, the door must reverse when it contacts a 112 inch high object (or a 2 by 4 board laid flat) on the floor.

9. For products having a manual release, instruct the end user on the operation of the manual release.

10. For horizontally sliding doors, Item 2 shall be replaced with “Have a qualified service person make repairs and hardware adjustments before installing the opener.”

(ii) In accordance with § 1211.14(a)(2), the installation instructions in paragraph (b)(1) of this section for a residential garage door operator intended for use with both sectional and one-piece door that has an unattended operation close feature shall comply with paragraph (b)(1) of this section and include:

“WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury to persons - Only enable [+] feature when installed with a sectional door,” where + is the unattended operation function.

(iii) Exception: For operators that automatically sense one piece door operation, the warning in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section is not required.

(iv) For residential garage door operators that do not have permanent connection of the wiring system, the installation instructions shall include the following or equivalent text:

“This operator not equipped for permanent wiring. Contact licensed electrician to install a suitable receptacle if one is not available.”

(2) The User Instructions shall include the following instructions:


Warning - To reduce the risk of severe injury or death:


2. Never let children operate, or play with door controls. Keep the remote control away from children.

3. Always keep the moving door in sight and away from people and objects until it is completely closed. No one should cross the path of the moving door.


5. Test door opener monthly. The garage door MUST reverse on contact with a 112 inch object (or a 2 by 4 board laid flat) on the floor. After adjusting either the force or the limit of travel, retest the door opener. Failure to adjust the opener properly may cause severe injury or death.

6. For products requiring an emergency release, if possible, use the emergency release only when the door is closed. Use caution when using this release with the door open. Weak or broken springs may allow the door to fall rapidly, causing injury or death.

7. KEEP GARAGE DOOR PROPERLY BALANCE. See user's manual. An improperly balanced door could cause severe injury or death. Have a qualified service person make repairs to cables, spring assemblies and other hardware.

8. For operator systems equipped with an unattended operation feature, the following statement shall be included: “This operator system is equipped with an unattended operation feature. The door could move unexpectedly. NO ONE SHOULD CROSS THE PATH OF THE MOVING DOOR.”


10. For horizontally moving doors, Item 4 shall be replaced with “NEVER GO THROUGH A STOPPED, PARTIALLY OPEN DOOR”.

11. For horizontally moving doors, Item 6 is not required.

12. For horizontally moving doors, Item 7 shall be replaced with “Have a qualified service person make repairs and hardware adjustments before installing the opener.”

13. The installation instructions provided with a combination rigid one-piece overhead residential garage door and operator system shall specify the locations where attachments to the horizontal track shall be made for the purpose of supporting the track.

[81 FR 20235, Apr. 7, 2016]

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