Purpose, basis, and scope.

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§ 1203.30 Purpose, basis, and scope.

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to establish requirements that manufacturers and importers of bicycle helmets subject to the Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets (subpart A of this part 1203) shall issue certificates of compliance in the form specified.

(b) Basis. Section 14(a)(1) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), 15 U.S.C. 2063(a)(1), requires every manufacturer (including importers) and private labeler of a product which is subject to a consumer product safety standard to issue a certificate that the product conforms to the applicable standard. Section 14(a)(1) further requires that the certificate be based either on a test of each product or on a “reasonable testing program.” The Commission may, by rule, designate one or more of the manufacturers and private labelers as the persons who shall issue the required certificate. 15 U.S.C. 2063(a)(2).

(c) Scope. The provisions of this subpart apply to all bicycle helmets that are subject to the requirements of the Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets, subpart A of this part 1203.

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