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§ 1202.3 Definitions.

In addition to the definitions given in section 3 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 2052), the following definitions apply for the purpose of this standard:

(a) Bookmatch means a single splint, with a matchhead attached, that comes from a matchbook.

(b) Bridge means the matchhead material held in common by two or more splints.

(c) Broken bridge means a bridge that has become separated.

(d) Caddy means a package of two or more matchbooks wrapped or boxed together at a production plant.

(e) Comb means a piece of wood, paper, or other suitable material that has been formed into splints, that remain joined at their base, and that are designed to have matchheads attached to their tips.

(f) Cover means the paperboard or other suitable material that is wrapped around and fastened to the comb(s).

(g) Friction means the dried chemical mixture on the matchbook cover used to ignite the bookmatch.

(h) Match means a single splint with matchhead attached.

(i) Matchbook means one or more combs with matchheads attached and a cover that is wrapped around and fastened to those combs.

(j) Matchhead means the dried chemical mixture on the end of a splint.

(k) Splint means the support for the matchhead or that portion normally held when using the bookmatch.

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