Effective date.

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§ 1201.7 Effective date.

The effective date of this part 1201 shall be July 6, 1977 except:

(a) For glazing materials used in doors or other assemblies subject to this part and intended to retard the passage of fire when such doors or other assemblies are required by a Federal, State, or local or municipal fire ordinance, the effective date shall be January 6, 1980.

(b) Architectural glazing materials manufactured before July 6, 1977 may be incorporated into architectural products listed in § 1201.1(a) through July 5, 1978 if:

(1) The architectural glazing material conforms to ANSI Standard Z97.1-1972 or 1975, “Performance Specifications and Methods of Test for Safety Glazing Material Used in Buildings,” 1972 or 1975[2] , which is incorporated by reference, and

(2) The architectural glazing material is permanently labeled to indicate it conforms to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975 or is accompanied by a certificate certifying conformance to ANSI Z97.1 1972 or 1975.

(c) Tempered glass manufactured before July 6, 1977 may be incorporated into architectural products listed in § 1201.1(a) through July 5, 1981 if:

(1) The tempered glass conforms to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975; and

(2) The tempered glass is permanently labeled to indicate it conforms to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975 or is accompanied by a certificate certifying conformance to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975.

(d) Laminated glass manufactured on or after July 6, 1977 through December 3, 1977 may be incorporated into category II products as defined in § 1201.2(a)(4) through July 5, 1978 if:

(1) The laminated glass conforms to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975; and

(2) The laminated glass is permanently labeled to indicate that it conforms to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975 or is accompanied by a certificate in accordance with section 14(a) of the CPSA certifying conformance to ANSI Z97.1-1972 or 1975.

(e) Architectural products manufactured between July 6, 1977 and July 5, 1978 incorporating glazing material in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, may be distributed and sold without restriction.

(f) Architectural products manufactured between July 6, 1977 and July 5, 1981 incorporating tempered glass in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, may be distributed and sold without restriction.

(g) Architectural products identified in § 1201.2(a)(4) manufactured between July 6, 1977 and July 5, 1978 incorporating laminated glass in accordance with § 1201.7(d) may be distributed and sold without restriction.

(h) Patinaed glass manufactured between July 6, 1977 and January 8, 1979, in accordance with the Commission's stay order published in the Federal Register of August 9, 1977 (42 FR 40188), may be sold without restriction. Architectural products incorporating such glazing may also be sold without restriction.

[43 FR 50422, Oct. 30, 1978, as amended at 43 FR 57247, Dec. 7, 1978; 46 FR 63250, Dec. 31, 1981]

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