Prohibited stockpiling.

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§ 1201.6 Prohibited stockpiling.

(a) Stockpiling. For the purposes of this section, the term stockpiling means manufacturing or importing the affected products between the date of issuance of this part in the Federal Register and the effective date set out below in § 1201.7 at a rate significantly greater (prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section) than the rate at which the affected products were produced or imported during a base period (prescribed in paragraph (c)(2) of this section).

(b) Prohibited acts. Manufacturers and importers of glazing materials, fabricators, and manufacturers or importers of architectural products specified in § 1201.1(a) who incorporate glazing material shall not incorporate glazing materials which do not comply with the requirements of this part 1201 into such products between the date of issuance of this part in the Federal Register and the effective date set out in § 1201.7 below at a rate greater than the rate of production or importation during the base period (defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section) plus ten percent. For wired glass used in doors or other assemblies subject to this part 1201 and intended to retard the passage of fire, when such doors or other assemblies are required by a Federal, State, local or municipal fire ordinance, the rate of production during the base period may be increased annually by no more than 10 percent.

(c) Definitions. As used in this section:

(1) Rate of production (or importation) means the total number of affected architectural products incorporating glazing material not complying with this part manufactured or imported during a stated base period.

(2) Base period means, at the option of the manufacturer or importer, any period of 180 consecutive days prior to January 6, 1977, said period to be selected within an interval which begins July 6, 1975.

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