Information that must be reported and to whom.

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§ 1117.5 Information that must be reported and to whom.

(a) Reports shall be directed to the Division of Corrective Actions, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20815 (Mailing Address: Washington, D.C. 20207) (Phone: 301-504-0608, facsimile: 301-504-0359).

(b) Subject firms must report as much of the following information as is known when the report is made:

(1) The name, address, and title of the person submitting the report to the Commission,

(2) The name and address of the subject firm,

(3) The name and address of the child who choked and the person(s) who notified the subject firm of the choking incident,

(4) Identification of the product involved including the date(s) of distribution, model or style number, a description of the product (including any labeling and warnings), a description of the marble, small ball, latex balloon or other small part involved, and pictures or sample if available,

(5) A description of the choking incident and any injuries that resulted or medical treatment that was necessary,

(6) Copies of any information obtained about the choking incident,

(7) Any information about changes made to the product or its labeling or warnings with the intention of avoiding such choking incidents, including, but not limited to, the date(s) of the change and its implementation, and a description of the change. Copies of any engineering drawings or product and label samples that depict the change(s).

(8) The details of any public notice or other corrective action planned by the firm,

(9) Such other information as appropriate.

(c) Retailers or distributors should supply as much of the information required in paragraph (b) of this section as is available to them but are not required to obtain information about product design changes or recall activities from the product manufacturer.

(d) Within ten days of their initial report, subject firms must supplement their reports to supply any of the information required by paragraph (b) of this section that was not available at the time of the initial report.

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