General application of provisions of section 6(b)(1).

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§ 1101.11 General application of provisions of section 6(b)(1).

(a) Information subject to section 6(b)(1). To be subject to the notice and analysis provisions of section 6(b)(1), information must meet all the following criteria:

(1) The information must pertain to a specific product which is either designated or described in a manner which permits its identity to be ascertained readily by the public.

(2) The information must be obtained, generated or received by the Commission as an entity or by individual members, employees, agents, contractors or representatives of the Commission acting in their official capacities.

(3) The Commission or its members, employees, agents or representatives must propose to disclose the information to the public (see § 1101.12).

(4) The manner in which the product is designated or described in the information must permit the public to ascertain readily the identity of the manufacturer or private labeler. [See § 1101.13.]

(b) Information not subject to section 6(b)(1). The requirements of section 6(b)(1) do not apply to:

(1) Information described in the exclusions contained in section 6(b)(4) of the CPSA (see subpart E of this rule).

(2) Information the Commission is required by law to make publicly available. This information includes, for example, Commission notifications to foreign governments regarding certain products to be exported, as required by section 18(b) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2068(b); section 14(d) of the FHSA, 15 U.S.C. 1273(d); and section 15(c) of the FFA, 15 U.S.C. 1202(c). (See the Commission's Export Policy Statement, 16 CFR part 1017.)

(3) Information required to be disclosed to the President and Congress pursuant to section 27(j) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2076(j).

(4) Press releases issued by firms.

(5) Information filed or presented in administrative proceedings or litigation to which the Commission is a party and which is not expressly subject to the section 6(b)(4) exceptions.

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