Non-statutory advisory committees.

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§ 1018.62 Non-statutory advisory committees.

(a) Each non-statutory advisory committee established by the Commission after the effective date of this part shall terminate not later than two years after its establishment unless prior to that time it is renewed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Each non-statutory advisory committee which is renewed by the Commission shall terminate not later than two years after its renewal unless prior to that time it is again renewed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Before a non-statutory advisory committee can be renewed by the Commission, the chairman shall inform the GSA Secretariat by letter not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days before the committee expires of the following:

(1) His or her determination that renewal is necessary and is in the public interest;

(2) The reasons for his or her determination;

(3) The Commission's plan to attain balanced membership of the committee, and;

(4) An explanation of why the committee's functions cannot be performed by the Commission or by another existing advisory committee.

(d) If the GSA Secretariat concurs, the Chairman shall certify in writing that the renewal of the advisory committee is in the public interest and shall publish notice of the renewal in the Federal Register and shall file a new charter.

[41 FR 45882, Oct. 18, 1976, as amended at 46 FR 63249, Dec. 31, 1981]

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