(a) Outer boundary. The area included in the irregular octagonal figure formed by a line connecting 26°30′ N, 156°00′ W; 26°30′ N, 161°00′ W; 24°00′ N, 164°00′ W; 20°00′ N, 164°00′ W; 17°00′ N, 160°00′ W; 17°00′ N, 156°00′ W; 20°00′ N, 153°00′ W; 22°00′ N, 153°00′ W; to point of beginning.
(b) Inner boundary. The inner boundary to follow a line connecting 22°30′ N, 157°00′ W; 22°30′ N, 160°00′ W; 22°00′ N, 161°00′ W; 21°00′ N, 161°00′ W; 20°00′ N, 160°00′ W; 20°00′ N, 156°30′ W; 21°00′ N, 155°30′ W; to point of beginning.
[Doc. No. 25113, 53 FR 18217, May 20, 1988. Redesignated at 69 FR 16756, Mar. 30, 2004]