ADIZ flight plan requirements.

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§ 99.11 ADIZ flight plan requirements.

(a) No person may operate an aircraft into, within, or from a departure point within an ADIZ, unless the person files, activates, and closes a flight plan with the appropriate aeronautical facility, or is otherwise authorized by air traffic control.

(b) Unless ATC authorizes an abbreviated flight plan -

(1) A flight plan for IFR flight must contain the information specified in § 91.169; and

(2) A flight plan for VFR flight must contain the information specified in § 91.153(a) (1) through (6).

(3) If airport of departure is within the Alaskan ADIZ and there is no facility for filing a flight plan then:

(i) Immediately after takeoff or when within range of an appropriate aeronautical facility, comply with provisions of paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) as appropriate.

(ii) Proceed according to the instructions issued by the appropriate aeronautical facility.

(c) The pilot shall designate a flight plan for VFR flight as a DVFR flight plan.

(d) The pilot in command of an aircraft for which a flight plan has been filed must file an arrival or completion notice with an appropriate aeronautical facility.

[Doc. No. 25113, 53 FR 18217, May 20, 1988; 53 FR 44182, Nov. 2, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 99-15, 54 FR 34331, Aug. 18, 1989; 66 FR 49822, Sept. 28, 2001; 69 FR 16756, Mar. 30, 2004]

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