Work shift and rest requirements.

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§ 450.151 Work shift and rest requirements.

(a) General. For any launch or reentry, an operator must document and implement rest requirements that ensure safety-critical personnel are physically and mentally capable of performing all assigned tasks.

(b) Work shifts and deviation approval process. An operator's rest requirements must address the following:

(1) Duration of each work shift and the process for extending this shift, including the maximum allowable length of any extension;

(2) Number of consecutive work shift days allowed before rest is required;

(3) Minimum rest period required -

(i) Between each work shift, including the period of rest required immediately before the flight countdown work shift; and

(ii) After the maximum number of work shift days allowed; and

(4) Approval process for any deviation from the rest requirements.

(c) Application requirement. An applicant must submit rest rules that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section.

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