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§ 420.61 Records.

(a) A licensee shall maintain all records, data, and other material needed to verify that its operations are conducted in accordance with representations contained in the licensee's application. A licensee shall retain records for three years.

(b) For any event that meets any of paragraph (1), (5), or (8) of the definition of “mishap” in § 401.7 of this chapter, a licensee must preserve all records related to the event. Records must be retained until completion of any Federal investigation and the FAA advises the licensee that the records need not be retained.

(c) A licensee shall make available to federal officials for inspection and copying all records required to be maintained under the regulations.

[Docket No. FAA-1999-5833, 65 FR 62861, Oct. 19, 2000, as amended by Doc. No. FAA-2019-0229, Amdt. 420-9, 85 FR 79717, Dec. 10, 2020]

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