Launch site location review - launch site boundary.

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§ 420.21 Launch site location review - launch site boundary.

(a) The distance from any proposed launch point to the closest launch site boundary must be at least as great as the debris dispersion radius of the largest launch vehicle type and weight class proposed for the launch point.

(b) For a launch site supporting any expendable launch vehicle, an applicant shall use the largest distance provided by table 2 for the type and weight class of any launch vehicle proposed for the launch point.

(c) For a launch site supporting any reusable launch vehicle, an applicant shall determine the debris dispersion radius that represents the maximum distance from a launch point that debris travels given a worst-case launch vehicle failure in the launch area. An applicant must clearly and convincingly demonstrate the validity of its proposed debris dispersion radius.

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Table 2 of § 420.21 - Minimum Distance From Launch Point to Launch Site Boundary (feet)

Orbital expendable launch vehicle class Type of suborbital launch vehicle
Small Medium Medium large Large Guided Unguided
7300 9300 10600 13000 8000 1600

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