Flight readiness and communications plan.

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§ 415.37 Flight readiness and communications plan.

(a) Flight readiness requirements. An applicant must designate an individual responsible for flight readiness. The applicant must file the following procedures for verifying readiness for safe flight:

(1) Launch readiness review procedures involving the applicant's flight safety personnel and Federal launch range personnel involved in the launch, as required by § 417.117(b)(3) of this chapter.

(2) Procedures that ensure mission constraints, rules and abort procedures are listed and consolidated in a safety directive or notebook approved by licensee flight safety and Federal launch range personnel.

(3) Procedures that ensure currency and consistency of licensee and Federal launch range countdown checklists.

(4) Dress rehearsal procedures that -

(i) Ensure crew readiness under nominal and non-nominal flight conditions;

(ii) Contain criteria for determining whether to dispense with one or more dress rehearsals; and

(iii) Verify currency and consistency of licensee and Federal launch range countdown checklists.

(5) Procedures for ensuring the licensee's flight safety personnel adhere to the crew rest rules of § 417.113(f) of this chapter.

(b) Communications plan requirements. An applicant must file a communications plan that meets § 417.111(k) of this chapter, and that provides licensee and Federal launch range personnel communications procedures during countdown and flight.

(c) An applicant must file procedures that ensure that licensee and Federal launch range personnel receive a copy of the communications plan required by paragraph (b) of this section, and that the Federal launch range concurs in the communications plan.

[Doc. No. FAA-2000-7953, 71 FR 50531, Aug. 25, 2006, as amended by Amdt. No. 415-6, 81 FR 59439, Aug. 30, 2016]

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