Application requirements for policy review.

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§ 415.25 Application requirements for policy review.

In its launch license application, an applicant shall -

(a) Identify the model and configuration of any launch vehicle proposed for launch by the applicant.

(b) Identify structural, pneumatic, propellant, propulsion, electrical and avionics systems used in the launch vehicle and all propellants.

(c) Identify foreign ownership of the applicant as follows:

(1) For a sole proprietorship or partnership, identify all foreign ownership;

(2) For a corporation, identify any foreign ownership interests of 10% or more; and

(3) For a joint venture, association, or other entity, identify any participating foreign entities.

(d) Identify proposed launch vehicle flight profile(s), including:

(1) Launch site;

(2) Flight azimuths, trajectories, and associated ground tracks and instantaneous impact points;

(3) Sequence of planned events or maneuvers during flight;

(4) Range of nominal impact areas for all spent motors and other discarded mission hardware, within three standard deviations of the mean impact point (a 3-sigma footprint); and

(5) For each orbital mission, the range of intermediate and final orbits of each vehicle upper stage, and their estimated orbital lifetimes.

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