Safety review document.

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§ 415.107 Safety review document.

(a) An applicant must file a safety review document that contains all the information required by §§ 415.109 - 415.133. An applicant must file the information for a safety review document as required by the outline in appendix B of this part. An applicant must file a sufficiently complete safety review document, except for the ground safety analysis report, no later than six months before the applicant brings any launch vehicle to the proposed launch site.

(b) A launch operator's safety review document must:

(1) Contain a glossary of unique terms and acronyms used in alphabetical order;

(2) Contain a listing of all referenced standards, codes, and publications;

(3) Be logically organized, with a clear and consistent page numbering system and must identify cross-referenced topics;

(4) Use equations and mathematical relationships derived from or referenced to a recognized standard or text, and must define all algebraic parameters;

(5) Include the units of all numerical values provided; and

(6) Include a legend or key that identifies all symbols used for any schematic diagrams.

(c) An applicant's safety review document may include sections not required by appendix B of this part. An applicant must identify each added section by using the word “added” in front of the title of the section. In the first paragraph of the section, an applicant must explain any addition to the outline in appendix B of this part.

(d) If a safety review document section required by appendix B of this part does not apply to an applicant's proposed launch, an applicant must identify the sections in the application by the words “not applicable” preceding the title of the section. In the first paragraph of the section, an applicant must describe and justify why the section does not apply.

(e) An applicant may reference documentation previously filed with the FAA.

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