Safety element approval renewal.

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§ 414.31 Safety element approval renewal.

(a) Eligibility. A holder of a safety element approval may apply to renew it by sending the FAA a written application at least 90 days before the expiration date of the approval, unless the Administrator agrees to a different time frame in accordance with § 404.15.

(b) Application.

(1) A safety element approval renewal application must meet all the requirements under § 414.13 or § 414.15.

(2) The application may incorporate by reference information provided as part of the application for the expiring safety element approval or any modification to that approval.

(3) Any proposed changes in the conduct of a safety element for which the FAA has issued a safety element approval must be described and must include any added information necessary to support the fitness of the proposed changes to meet the criteria upon which the FAA evaluated the safety element approval application.

(c) Review of application. The FAA conducts the reviews required under this part to determine whether the safety element approval may be renewed. We may incorporate by reference any findings that are part of the record for the expiring safety element approval.

(d) Grant of safety element approval renewal. If the FAA makes a favorable safety element approval determination, the FAA issues an order that amends the expiration date of the safety element approval or issues a new safety element approval. The FAA may impose added or revised terms and conditions necessary to protect public health and safety and the safety of property.

(e) Written notice. The FAA will provide written notice to the applicant of its determination on the safety element approval renewal request.

(f) Denial of a safety element approval renewal. If the FAA denies the renewal application, the applicant may correct any deficiency the FAA identified and request a reconsideration of the revised application. The applicant also has the right to appeal a denial as set forth in subpart D of this part.

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