Processing the initial application.

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§ 414.19 Processing the initial application.

(a) The FAA will initially screen an application to determine if the application is complete enough for the FAA to start the review.

(b) After completing the initial screening, the FAA will inform the applicant in writing of one of the following:

(1) The FAA accepts the application and will begin the reviews or evaluations required for a safety element approval determination under this part.

(2) The FAA rejects the application because it is incomplete or indefinite, making initiation of the reviews or evaluations required for a safety element approval determination under this part inappropriate.

(c) The written notice will state the reason(s) for rejection and corrective actions necessary for the application to be accepted. The FAA may return a rejected application to the applicant or may hold it until the applicant provides more information.

(d) The applicant may withdraw, amend, or supplement an application any time before the FAA makes a final determination on the safety element approval application by making a written request to the Associate Administrator. If the applicant amends or supplements the initial application, the revised application must meet all the applicable requirements under this part.

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