Application separate from a vehicle operator license application.

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§ 414.13 Application separate from a vehicle operator license application.

(a) An applicant must make an application in writing and in English. The applicant must file the application with the Federal Aviation Administration either by paper, by use of physical electronic storage, or by email in the following manner:

(1) For an application submitted on paper, an applicant must send two copies of the application to the Federal Aviation Administration, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Room 331, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591. Attention: Application Review.

(2) For an application submitted by use of physical electronic storage, the applicant must either mail the application to the address specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section or hand-deliver the application to an authorized FAA representative. The application and the physical electronic storage containing the application must also satisfy all of the following criteria:

(i) The application must include a cover letter that is printed on paper and signed by the person who signed the application or by an authorized representative of the applicant;

(ii) The cover letter must identify each document that is included on the physical electronic storage; and

(iii) The physical electronic storage must be in a format such that its contents cannot be altered.

(3) For an application submitted by email, an applicant must send the application as an email attachment, or as a link to a secure server, to . The application and the email to which the application is attached must also satisfy the following criteria:

(i) The email to which the application is attached must be sent from an email address controlled by the person who signed the application or by an authorized representative of the applicant; and

(ii) The email must identify each document that is included as an attachment or that is stored on a secure server; and

(iii) The electronic files must be date-stamped and have version control documentation.

(b) The application must identify the following basic information:

(1) Name and address of the applicant.

(2) Name, address, and telephone number of any person to whom inquiries and correspondence should be directed.

(3) Safety element as defined under this part for which the applicant seeks a safety element approval.

(c) The application must contain the following technical information:

(1) A Statement of Conformance letter, describing the specific criteria the applicant used to show the adequacy of the safety element for which a safety element approval is sought, and showing how the safety element complies with the specific criteria.

(2) The specific operating limits for which the safety element approval is sought.

(3) The following as applicable:

(i) Information and analyses required under this chapter that may be applicable to demonstrating safe performance of the safety element for which the safety element approval is sought.

(ii) Engineering design and analyses that show the adequacy of the proposed safety element for its intended use, such that the use in a licensed launch or reentry will not jeopardize public health or safety or the safety of property.

(iii) Relevant manufacturing processes.

(iv) Test and evaluation procedures.

(v) Test results.

(vi) Maintenance procedures.

(vii) Personnel qualifications and training procedures.

(d) The application must be legibly signed, dated, and certified as true, complete, and accurate by one of the following:

(1) For a corporation, an officer or other individual authorized to act for the corporation in licensing or safety element approval matters.

(2) For a partnership or a sole proprietorship, a general partner or proprietor, respectively.

(3) For a joint venture, association, or other entity, an officer or other individual duly authorized to act for the joint venture, association, or other entity in licensing matters.

(e) Failure to comply with any of the requirements set forth in this section is sufficient basis for denial of a safety element approval application.

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